08-28-2021 General Meeting Notes

August 28th 2021:Prescott Area Woodturners met at the YEI Building at 6708 Corsair on Saturday, August 28, 2021. There were 35 members and one visitor in attendance, with 28 in the room at YEI and 8 watching on Zoom. Four new members joined the club just before the...

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06-26-2021 General Meeting Notes

June 26th 2021:The Prescott Area Woodturners met at the YEI building, 6708 Corsair in the Prescott Airpark, on Saturday, June 26th for the annual tool sale meeting. President Ken Allen called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M.  There were several orders of business to...

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05-22-2021 General Meeting Notes

May 22nd 2021:Prescott Area Woodturners met at the YEI building, 6708 Corsair in the Prescott Airpark on Saturday May 22, 2021.  President Ken Allen called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.  He announced that there was a lot of wood outside from which members were...

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04-24-2021 General Meeting Notes

April 24th 2021:Prescott Area Woodturners met at the YEI building, 6708 Corsair in the Prescott Airpark on April 24, 2021.  This dual Zoom and in-person meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m. due to issues with audio and camera. President Ken Allen welcomed those of...

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03-27-2021 General Meeting Notes

March 27th 2021:Prescott Area Woodturners met at the YEI building, 6708 Corsair in the Prescott Airpark on Saturday March 27, 2021.  This meeting was a hybrid of in-person and Zoom attendees. President Ken Allen called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.  Ken warned...

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02-27-2021 General Meeting Notes

February 27th 2021:Prescott Area Woodturners met via Zoom on Saturday February 27, 2021.  Today for the first time Zoom was asking for a password, so it took a few minutes for everyone to sign in to the meeting.  Co-host Doug Rowe managed the Show & Tell portion...

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