Mark Oglesby - Artists Work

Woodworking has always fascinated me, when raw wood can be shaped and finished into a useable and beautiful piece of art.


Starting with Woodshop in high school, I knew then woodworking was going to be a factor of my leisure time for years to come. A few years later I bought a ShopSmith machine which was a great start, but most importantly for me included lathe attachments. Turning some of the basic pieces such as rolling pins, vases, and simple bowls just fueled my desire to learn more about turning on a lathe.

Fast-forward to about 8 years ago, I attended an art fair at the Prescott downtown square and found the Prescott Area Woodturners booth. The members were selling their work and talking to the public. A club member was actually turning a bowl on a lathe at the time and demonstrating personal techniques. Of course, I joined the club and was pleasantly surprised at the number of activities and events sponsored by the club.

The lathe has changed my views on being creative, there’s so much to learn and a lot of club members to help me with what I don’t know.

The lathe has changed my views on being creative…