Bruce Butler - Artists Work

I started woodworking and turning at the age of 11 when my Dad bought a Shop Smith.  I dabbled off and on until retiring late in 2011.  When we moved to Prescott even though the Shop Smith was still with me, it was time to set up a better/bigger shop.  Joining Prescott Area Woodturners in 2012 was a great start to improve my skills.  The two semesters at Yavapai Comunity College were a big help as well as the four week-long signature classes at Craft Supply. 

For me turning is for fun, not to sell, although I do make items for the stocking stuffer every year.  I enjoy bowls, three corner bowls, natural edge bowls, segmented bowls, pens, seam rippers for my wife’s sewing, platters, lidded boxes, threaded boxes, vases, zippered vases and Christmas ornaments. 

If it is new and a challenge I am ready to give it a try.

For me turning is for fun, creating one memory at a time