April 22nd, 2023:

Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 8:05 AM
PAW General Meeting 2023422
Prescott Area Woodturners
met at 6708 Corsair in the Prescott Airpark on Saturday April 22, 2023. 33 of us were there in person and 4 on Zoom.
President Mark Oglesby called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone. Mark called upon Membership Director Jay Loden,
who introduced new member Jim Crum
. This brings our total membership to 91. Among todays guests were several members of the Woodettes
social group
, who were on hand to see Kathy Allen’s demo.
Treasurer Dennis Egan announced that we have a comfortable bank balance. He said he was going to pick up a check later in the day that would
an overcharge from last years Holiday Party at Redwoods Grill.
Announcements had been sent to everyone in an email, but Mark Oglesby highlighted the fact that there was a trailer outside the building with
. Folks were urged to find wood that they could use and give to the Treasurer whatever they deemed an appropriate donation.
Oglesby asked for a show of hands regarding the new earlier start time for general meetings. The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the 12:00
.m. start time, so that will continue.
In the absence of Safety Coordinator Dan Hall, Dean Humphrey gave the numbers that showed how much higher the RPMs at the outside of a
bowl would be than at its center
, no matter what the number shown as the speed of your lathe. The RPMs increase with the size of the
circumference of the bowl
Ken Allen shared his experience with a drill press. (Lathes are not the only dangerous machines in the shop.) He was reaching under the drill,
then pulled his hand out, and the sharp drill bit
cut a gash in his hand.
Dean Humphrey announced that he will be teaching the summer class in wood turning at Yavapai College.
Dean also said that he needs more demonstrators for the May sale on Courthouse Square. Also, he asked for donations of small tops to be given to
children during the sale
Chuck Brown announced that today was the deadline for design ideas for the PAW logo. The logo committee will meet Thursday to pick the top
three designs
. All members will be asked to vote on their choice via a ballot mailed to them. Choices will include three new designs plus the
4/25/23, 8:11 AM Gmail PAW General Meeting 2023422
current logo. The letter will include a stamped return envelope. Chuck noted that postage and paper have been donated, so there is no cost to the
Ric Davis complimented Jay Loden for his work on the PAW website. He urged everyone to log on and see the changes. Ric also complimented
the Logo committee for their work
Marge Hunt reported that the Woodettes are still meeting regularly.
Show & Tell had only two offerings, but each was extraordinary.
Program Director Bob Zimmerman said he needs folks to step up for Tuesday demos. However, the next Tuesday Demo will feature Kathy Allen,
at her shop, with handson opportunity to try the things she learned while creating her nutcracker.
Bob Zimmerman then introduced Kathy Allen, the recipient of an Ed Jones scholarship. Kathy said that she knew Ed Jones was always looking
for new things to learn, so she chose
a class that would bring her out of her comfort zone, namely turning a nutcracker, because she had always
admired nutcrackers
. When friends questioned whether there was any wood turning in a nutcracker, she assured them that there was. The class
met for five days, and they were busy up
to the last minute of the last day. They were given a kit with pieces of wood to be turned for each of the
13 pieces
Kathy referred to a diagram showing the measurements for each piece of the nutcracker. Kathy learned, during the nutcracker class, how to safely
use calipers with the lathe running and demonstrated the technique
. She said that she and her classmates measured the parts they were making
constantly as they worked
. Kathy demonstrated the shaping of the torso, head and arms. She said the second arm is measured against the first,
rather than using the numbers on the chart. The bent arm is cut on the bandsaw, illustrating the use of other shop tools in the project. She
suggested practicing on scrap wood for this cut, rather than risking the kit pieces
When she talked about the legs, she again mentioned measuring leg #2 against leg #1, and stressed that they must be of equal length so that the
finished nutcracker would stand straight
Even the nose of the nutcracker is turned, and Kathy said that it was the smallest thing she has ever turned. As she demonstrated each part of the
nutcracker, she passed those parts around so that the audience could see the actual part
. That nose was indeed tiny!
Kathy demonstrated the soldier nutcracker, with his hat
. She also showed how to make the crown for the king version.
Ken Allen then put together all the parts that he had created for a king nutcracker while Kathy had been making parts for a soldier nutcracker.
They said that the jaw is the only part of the nutcracker that is not turned. Ken and Kathy said that the nutcracker consisted of large parts and
small parts
, required lots of shop work and much complexity and precision. Kits for the nutcracker cost $135 plus shipping, but Kathy suggested
that members attempt making a nutcracker either in a class or with someone who has created one
At the close of her demonstration, after a resounding round of applause, Bob Zimmerman said he can’t wait for Kathy’s Tuesday demonstration!
Mark Oglesby introduced Ric Davis, who talked about the Tool Sale scheduled for July. It will be in the form of an auction. Ric welcomes any
sort of tool for this auction
, and is willing to collect some pieces ahead of time. Pieces for sale should have a suggested price, and, if there is a
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reserve price, that should be noted. Tools were found during the last reorganization of the PAW shed, and those will be in the auction. Ric
envisions the auction as a day of fun.
The meeting adjourned at 2:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marge Hunt, Secretary