Septemeber 23, 2023:

 PAW General Meeting 2023-09-23
Prescott Area Woodturners met at 6708 Corsair in the Prescott Airpark on Saturday September 23. President Mark Oglesby called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.
Membership Director Jay Loden announced that we now have 95 members. Jay reminded us to sign in, and then discussed changes to the PAW website. Jay has added a Google Calendar to
the website. Please call Jay directly if you are having any problems with the website. Another issue is with Mentors. Jay has received two calls reporting a lack of response from Mentors.
Again, please let Jay know if this should happen to you. Jay will make sure to find a mentor for you.
Events Director Dean Humphrey said that we have 8 individuals signed up to sell at the November sale. More sellers, and also volunteers, are needed. Banners have been created for
this sale. Does anyone know of a business that might allow a banner? They cannot be on public property.
Dean reminded us about the
Last-Minute Stocking Stuffer Sale in December. Turned items are donated and proceeds go directly into the club treasury. If each member donates a relatively
small item or two, the sale will be a success.
Mark called our attention to the upcoming club elections. According to our By Laws, six positions are elected each year: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership
Director and Program Director. Other Board positions are appointed. Board positions involve one Board of Directors meeting as well as one General Meeting each month. Please consider
serving your club in this way. There can be several candidates for any position. Absent such volunteers, be aware: you might receive a call from the Nominating Committee.
Marge Hunt announced her plans for the future. Marge will continue as Secretary in 2024, and will retire on 12/31/24. Kathy Allen will take over as Newsletter Editor in January of 2024.
Kathy will work with Marge during 2024, prior to running for Secretary in 2025.
Ken Allen gave a glowing introduction of Kirk DeHeer, who demonstrated today via IRD.
Previously DeHeer has demonstrated in person at PAW and is also known to several members as an instructor at Craft Supply in Utah.
DeHeer said that his focus today would be turning techniques and chucking techniques. His demonstration was clear even to this non-turner. DeHeer named each tool he picked up, told
why he chose it, and described the angle to which it was ground. He spent time looking at the wood he would use today, to decide what would be the lid. He marked rough center.
As he talked, Kirk told us that Dale Nish was his first teacher/mentor. He still uses a special tool that was Nish’s. One of Nish’s comments still resonates with DeHeer: “Turning is very efficient

At the end of his demonstration, DeHeer had produced a square bowl with a lid. He ended the meeting before taking questions. However, as clear as his presentation was, there were few if
any questions. Kirk sent a link to the video of today’s demonstration.

Show & Tell followed the demonstration.
The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marge Hunt, Secretary