04-27-2021: Avoiding Wood Toxicity and Allergies

Discussion before the meeting concerned offset or eccentric turning: One member uses an Australian Vermec multi-center chuck (https://www.vermec.com/store/p78/Multi_Centre_Chuck_Deluxe.html) to help with different angles.  One member mentioned a demo by Barbara Dill...

04-14-2021: Favorite Tools and Their Uses

Discussion before the meeting about containing chips in the shop when turning: A dust collector is helpful.  Overhead air filters cycle through filtering the air.  Hanging a shower curtain could be helpful but avoid plastic due to static electricity. Humidity in the...

04-24-2021 General Meeting Notes

April 24th 2021: Prescott Area Woodturners met at the YEI building, 6708 Corsair in the Prescott Airpark on April 24, 2021.  This dual Zoom and in-person meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m. due to issues with audio and camera. President Ken Allen welcomed those...