February 24th, 2024:

PAW General Meeting 2024-02-24

Prescott Area Woodturners met at 6708 Corsair in the Prescott Airpark on Saturday February 24, 2024.

President Ric Davis called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.  Ric welcomed members and guests, then called upon Treasurer Dennis Egan.  Egan gave the total amount in our treasury and reminded everyone that there would be a 50/50 drawing later in the meeting.

Membership Director Jay Loden announced that we currently have 82 paid members.  Jay introduced at this meeting a bar code scanning system that will keep track of attendance at meetings.  There is work to be done yet, but it promises to be helpful tool.

A/V Director Jerry Shugars called attention to the screens in the front of the room.  The picture was crisp and clear on each, due to new projectors that were recently purchased.  He cautioned that they were laser projectors, so we should be careful not to look into them.

Jerry said that the heavy maple wood he has previously  made available can be purchased for $20 per foot as a donation to the club.  Dennis Egan is, as always, happy to collect donations.

President Davis then announced the vote on changes to Article V of the PAW By-Laws, pertaining to the Board of Directors.  There being no discussion, the vote was taken by acclimation.  It passed with one dissenting vote.

Ric then voiced his appreciation for several members who have stepped up to volunteer for open positions.  He mentioned that two positions, that of back-up treasurer and 2025 vice president, are still open.  He asked everyone to consider such service.

Ric reminded us that the deadline for submission of applications for the 2024 PAW Scholarship is    March 1.  He urged folks to contact any Board member with questions, or to notify the Board of your intent to apply.

Ric stated that one of the items on the agenda for the March General Meeting is a wood clearance.  PAW has a large collection, now housed with Mark Oglesby, of turning wood.  That needs to be cleared out.  Plan to take some home from the March meeting.  Dennis Egan will accept your donation.  Remember:  this wood can be used to make Beads of Courage containers and/or items for the December Stocking Stuffer Sale.

Ric announced that the club is now using a Hold Harmless Agreement.  The agreement is mostly a way to ensure that the club is not sued over anything that happens at a club-sponsored event.  Membership in Prescott Area Woodturners assumes acceptance of the Hold Harmless Agreement.  If someone objects to the HHA, they could not take part in activities.  This Agreement is separate from insurance that covers injury at a sponsored event.  Discussion helped to clarify the issue.

Ric announced that Dave Henderson was coordinating the embroidery of logo shirts.    He also reminded everyone of the contest between PAW and students in the woodturning classes at Yavapai College, to see which group donated the most bowls to Empty Bowls.

Ken Allen then introduced Emelio Archival, who joined us via Zoom to do a demonstration from his home shop in Maui, Hawaii.  Self-taught, Archival has been turning for 38 years.  He uses mostly woods that are native to Hawaii.  He is a founding member of Maui Woodturners.

Archival began his presentation with a history  of the Hawaiian calabash.  In 1778 Captain Cook found natives using calabashes.  He showed examples of the three main types:  low sided, side grain and end grain.  Once, only kings and their court could use wooden calabashes.  They were carried in netting hung from poles across the shoulder.

Emiliano emphasized that the calabash should have a round bottom, so that, if it should tip, it would right itself.  There is no recorded history of the making of a calabash, but ancient stone tools have been found that were used to shape a bowl by hand.

For this demonstration Archival had a calabash on his lathe that was almost finished.  The wood used is milo, which is native to Hawaii.  The wood is green, but doesn’t warp over time.  A calabash has a specific shape, and Archival keeps a picture of the shape behind the blank he is turning, aiming to have the bottom rounded into a dome shape.  When the outside was shaped to his satisfaction, Emiliano removed the tail stock and flipped the piece  to hollow the inside, using a chuck  with a large jaw.  The piece was then flipped again, this time using a vacuum chuck, to remove the tenon.

To close the demonstration, Archival did the “calabash test”.  He balanced the finished bowl on long board and was pleased that the calabash appeared to float over the board.

After enthusiastic applause for Archival, Program Director Bob Zimmerman announced that the Tuesday Demo on February 27 would feature Dave Henderson, who would create a Celtic Knot.  The March 26 Tuesday Demo will be Dick Kelly, who will demonstrate a Tolly Box for Beads of Courage.

Larry O’Brien talked about the MAG sale on Courthouse Square over Mother’s Day weekend in May.  He said the sale will be limited to 10 to 12 sellers plus the demo tent.  We will need volunteers to demonstrate each hour of the sale.  An email will be sent requesting names of those who want to sell and volunteers for set-up, take-down and demonstrating.

The Safety Minute was given by Dan Hall.  He showed the various kinds of gloves he uses.   He often uses fingerless gloves, and has found that the gloves used by kayakers work well.  These have a gel-filled padding in the palm.  He wears canvas gloves when handling wood outdoors.  When carving, he wears a carving or meat cutters glove.  Nitryl gloves are used when finishing.

Bruce Peek announced that Harper Harrell, the recipient of a PAW Beads of Courage container,  will appear on the NBC news that evening.  Bruce has distributed 37 Beads of Courage bowls so far.  He has 5 at home and will take 10 more home with him today.

Marge Hunt told about visiting the clubhouse at Victorian Estates.  Homeowners Gene and Shirley Perryman have offered the space for our picnic in June.  It is beautiful, spacious and comes complete with tables and chairs.  We won’t have to bring our own chairs this year!  More information will follow in emails when the date is closer.

Marge also gave a quick review of Woodettes.  She said we continue to meet on the second Thursday of each month (except when postponed due to snow), to enjoy good food and each other’s company.

Show & Tell, as always, shows off the amazing quality of the work done by PAW members.  Perhaps there will be some calabashes next month?

Ric reminded everyone that Chips & Grits is scheduled for Thursday March 14 at 8:30 a.m.  Ric highly recommended taking part.  He said that it is a discussion, not a lecture.  This month the topic is “How do you store your tools?” There is time to take a picture of your tool storage and email it to Bruce Butler . If you need help accessing Zoom, contact any Board member.

Chuck Brown said that we had good response from the General Survey of members.  Results are being tabulated and will be shared.

The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marge Hunt, Secretary