October 28th, 2023:

PAW General Meeting 2023-10-28

Prescott Area Woodturners met at the YEI building, 6708 Corsair in the Prescott Airpark, on Saturday October 28, 2023.  President Mark Oglesby called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm.

After welcoming everyone, Mark called upon Membership Director Jay Loden, who introduced one guest and one new member.  Jay referred us to the PAW website, particularly the Library area and the Gallery.  There were 40 of us who attended in person and 8 on Zoom.

Treasurer Dennis Egan was not at today’s meeting, but President Oglesby, reporting in his stead, said that our bank account was healthy.  Today Jay Loden was collecting 2024 dues and reservations for the Holiday Party.

Bruce Peek reported the good news that he has distributed all of the Beads of Courage containers he had so far collected.  The better news is that he received five more that day.

Peek was pleased to announce that we had special guests.  Harper Harrell and her mother Heather Hindin joined the meeting via Zoom.  Harper is an articulate young lady, who received at least 200 Beads of Courage beads commemorating procedures undergone during treatment for leukemia.  PAW sent her a BoC container which she was happy to show us.  Harper prefers to keep her beads loose so she can handle them.  Some patients prefer to string their beads.  Either way, the beads are a record of achievement during the weeks or months of treatment.  Harper’s mother said they were introduced to the program almost immediately after diagnosis.  Bruce Peek said that eight more bowls had recently been received at Duke University.

Show & Tell time highlighted the works of several PAW artists.  Each piece is beautiful, but it is the story behind it that makes it special.

Mark Oglesby reminded everyone that the Holiday Party is coming up.  He referred us to the email with details.  The trophy for Turner of the Year will be awarded at the party.

Events Director Dean Humphrey talked about the Holiday Sale on November 11, 2023.  This sale is held at the Grace Sparks Activity Center, and is in partnership with Spinners and Weavers.  Dean also mentioned the Stocking Stuffer, for which members are asked to donate items.  Sales from the Stocking Stuffer go to our Treasury.

Dean announced that enrollment for the winter semester is open at Yavapai College.  It should be possible to enroll on line, but doing so in person is easier.

John Armstrong gave today’s Safety Tip.  He cautioned that, when using a short handle tool, it is necessary to stand to one side of the lathe.  If there should be a catch, the tool will come right back to the turner.  He also said that it is always important to wear safety glasses and a shield.

Vice President Ric Davis is also the chair of the Nominating Committee for 2024 officers.  He listed the current candidates as:  President – Ric Davis, Vice President – Chuck Brown, Treasurer – Dennis Egan, Secretary – Marge Hunt, Program Director – Bob Zimmerman and Membership Director Jay Loden.  This list will be emailed to members, but Ric emphasized that multiple candidates are welcome.   Anyone willing to serve need only contact a member of the Nominating Committee: (Ric Davis, Bob Zimmerman or Dennis Egan) to be added to the list.

Program Director Bob Zimmerman introduced our own John Armstrong, who demonstrated various pieces of equipment used in airbrushing.  John noted that he used an airbrush to make the signs with arrows directing folks to our PAW meetings.  He then showed equipment that would make narrower lines, some no wider than a human hair.  The description of each piece of equipment John showed and/or demonstrated always included the purchase price.

John demonstrated the use of stencils, and shared that he has collected enough stencils to fill two loose leaf binders.

He completed his demonstration by creating a sunburst effect inside a bowl.

The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marge Hunt, Secretary

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