Don Milburn
Don Milburn Resurrection Woodcrafts Prescott, AzAbout ArtistI have lived in Prescott for more than 25 years and have been interested in the art of woodturning since first learning the fundamentals of the craft in high school wood shop way back in the 60s. Like most...
Ginnie O’Brien
Ginnie ObrienI enjoy being creative...About ArtistI am a retired hairdresser and I have been involved in art for about 20 years. I do some painting, egg carving and wood carving since about the 1990s and I am now trying my hand at the lathe. I am enjoying the lathe...
Bruce Peek
Bruce PeekInfinite beauty using wood, a great retirementAbout ArtistI started woodworking when I was 7 - scroll sawing. Shortly after my father bought a Shop Smith and I was introduced to woodturning and I was hooked. I was sidelined for just 50 years due to school...
Bruce Potter
Bruce PotterBruce's art is not limited to woodturning, as you will see below. About ArtistRetiring from law enforcement afforded Bruce time to pursue his creative side. As seen in his work below, Bruce has made everything from cradles to urns, furniture to...
Dick Kelly
Dick KellyMy identity as an artist is based not only on natural themes but also a marriage of tools and design. About ArtistI grew up in a city but I’ve always loved the outdoors. As a scout, I’d find a spot by a stream to sit still and let the woods come alive around...
Jerry Shugars
Jerry ShugarsThe Secrets of WoodAbout ArtistLike most wood turners, I had a wood shop class in high school. My only remembrance of the class was what a hand saw looked like, but the aroma of cut wood has stayed with me ever since. After 27 years in the Air Force, I...
Walter Spencer
Walter Spencer...About Artist...Artist Work
Chuck Brown
Chuck BrownFrom High School to now, still love turning...About ArtistI am a retired Human Resources Executive who got my start in woodturning like most in high school. I earned my degree in Industrial Education and taught high school wood working and drafting for a...
Kathy Allen
Kathy AllenIt still surprises me that I enjoy woodturning. It’s a hobby full of dangerous sharp tools and fast-moving objects.About ArtistIt still surprises me that I enjoy woodturning. It’s a hobby full of dangerous sharp tools and fast-moving objects. ...
Larry O’Brien
Larry ObrienI tried my had at turning and I was hooked...About ArtistsAfter retiring from 51 years as an auto technician I was visiting my uncle, Dave Kaufmann in Montrose in the summer of 2018 (who was a long-time member of Prescott Area Woodturners) and he put a...
Jim Winge
Jim WingeWoodworker from a young kid to the present...About ArtistI have been a member of the Prescott Area Woodturners since 2005. I joined the club after taking the woodturning course at Yavapai College. I have been a woodworker from a young kid to the present and...
Mark Oglesby
Mark OglesbyThe lathe has changed my views on being creative...About ArtistWoodworking has always fascinated me, when raw wood can be shaped and finished into a useable and beautiful piece of art. Starting with Woodshop in high school, I knew then woodworking was...
Dennis Egan
Dennis EganSmall steps at a time turns into great creations...About ArtistI have been woodworking since I was in my teens. I have made everything from furniture to a woody station wagon. I started woodturning in Texas about 10 years ago by taking a three-day class at...
Richard Davis
Richard (Ric) Davis...About ArtistI’ve been a wood worker all my life but in 2008 I purchased my firstlathe and started turning. It didn’t take long to discover I needed helpto get started right so later that year I attended a Dale Nish class atCraft Supply and have...
Bill McDonald
Dan Hall
Dan HallWoodturning rediscovered...About Artist I first turned in a class with John Armstrong at Yavapai College six years ago. I had never turned before that. I like to enhance my turnings with carving, pyrography and texturing. I am now just getting into color....
Wayne Hunt
Wayne HuntWoodturning rediscovered...About ArtistBorn and raised in Chicago. Spent his entire career working on a sheet-fed press. One product was the large wall maps found in most school rooms. Put lots of sweat equity into two houses. Rediscovered wood turning after...
Ken Allen
Ken AllenNo mistakes, just design opportunities... About ArtistKen has done woodworking for most of his life but started woodturning in 2015 with no prior lathe experience. With no woodturners in his local area at that time, Ken made projects from woodturning books,...
David Smith
David SmithA rekindled interest...About Artist50 years ago I did some turning using lathes in the woodshop where I was teaching. That ended when I started teaching machine tool. Life got busy until we moved to Prescott Valley 4 years ago. My wife and I went to the art...
Jerry Walters
Jerry WaltersHighlighting natural beauty one piece at a time...About ArtistI have been wood working for 40 years and began turning in 2012 shortly before joining PAW. My passion is utilitarian forms using figured domestic woods culminating in a fine buffed finish to...
Philip Bear Brown
Philip 'Bear' Brown Philip F. Brown"...the Bear fetish is the Guardian of the West and has the power to heal and transform human passions into true wisdom..."About ArtistI use a fetish Bear as my logo. The legend goes, that the Bear fetish is the Guardian of the West...
Bruce Butler
Bruce ButlerFor me turning is for fun, creating one memory at a timeAbout ArtistI started woodworking and turning at the age of 11 when my Dad bought a Shop Smith. I dabbled off and on until retiring late in 2011. When we moved to Prescott even though the Shop Smith...
Dean Humphrey
Dean HumphreyCreating One Memory at a TimeAbout ArtistDean obtained his passion for woodworking from his father. His 9 th grade shop teacher took an interest in Dean’s passion and it was then Dean thought he would like to become a “shop” teacher. Dean taught...
Denis Leuders
Dennis Stubbs
Don Jordan
Doug Rowe
Jay Loden
Jay Loden“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” — William ShakespeareAbout ArtistJay started woodturning in 2012 after watching a few YouTube videos. As skills grew and ideas flourished, he realized this is a good way to...
Ed Jones
Ed Jones In Memorium. Rest in peace, Ed! Artist Video'sArtist Work
Gene Perryman
Heidi DeFazio
Heidi DeFazioTurning Faith: So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. - Romans 10:17About ArtistHeidi is a Woodturning artist who is passionate about her faith and enjoys it’s representation in her art. She is a long time Arizona resident with...
Jay Schermer
Jim Opdahl
Susan Murphy
Susan MurphyAbout ArtistIn 2019 Susan started woodturning with her children to give them something to do together. She finds that woodturning is not only creative but also relaxing. Artist Work