October 30th 2021:

Prescott Area Woodturners met at the YEI Building, 6708 Corsair in the Prescott Airpark on Saturday October 30, 2021.

President Ken Allen called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and welcomed those present and those watching on Zoom. Ken called upon Membership Chairman Jay Loden regarding any new members or guests. No new members today, but Jay announced that we now have 87 members.

It was announced that books and magazines from Ed Jones’ collection were arrayed at the back of the room. They are gifts, free to anyone who can use them.

Ken Allen discussed computer issues. He said that it takes two computers to run a Zoom meeting, and those two computers currently are the property of Ken and Kathy Allen. The Board of Directors has recommended, after discussion, that PAW purchase two computers that would belong to the club, rather than personal property. Ken has been doing research. He has been advised to stick with name-brand equipment, and is therefore considering Dell and HP, plus additional tech support.

Ken asked for permission to spend up to $3,000.00. The By-Laws say that a majority of members present must approve a purchase of this size. He said that he has been approached about member donations toward the purchase. This would be welcome, but Ken was not asking for donations at this time. The vote, both live in the room and among Zoom attendees, was a unanimous YES. Accordingly, Ken will monitor sales of computers in this Holiday season and try to match our needs to the best available price.

The next Chips & Grits meeting will be on November 11, via Zoom. Look for an email link.

The November General Meeting will be on NOVEMBER 20, because our regular 4th Saturday falls on Thanksgiving weekend. This meeting will feature an IRD by Mike Mahoney. Also at this meeting will be a By-Laws-mandated election of Officers. Many of the current officers will continue in their posts, but we do need an Events Chairman. Please contact Ken Allen if you are willing to take on this important job.

The Holiday Show & Sale at Grace Sparkes Center is on November 13. There are approximately six spots still available. Contact Events Chairman Dan Hall directly (928-499-5591 or charlesh449@gmail.com) if you would like to sell. Set up begins at 7:00 a.m. That is not as early as it sounds, because some of our best customers are also there to set up for the Spinners & Weavers.

The next sale to keep in mind is the Stocking Stuffer Sale, again at Grace Sparkes Center, on Saturday December 18. Less intricate, less expensive items are needed for this sale. The sale of your donated items is our only money-maker of the year, so inventory your stock or turn a new piece or two.

Program Director Gene Perryman introduced Trent Bosch. He said that Bosch was initially attracted to the speed of turning, versus furniture building. He began in the 1980s, and now has a manufacturing facility in Colorado.

When Trent Bosch appeared on our screens, he said he encourages questions, especially those that interrupt his work, because they help to clarify the point he is making.

Bosch began by emphasizing safety. He donned safety glasses, and said that he would normally also use a face shield/respirator, but that that equipment makes it hard to understand what he is saying during a demonstration.

Bosch attached a blank to his lathe using a screw chuck, and proceeded to turn a utility (salad) bowl. His presentation was detailed and illustrated with various cameras within his shop. He remembered having demonstrated in person here in Prescott, and several members present today were at that previous demonstration.

When Trent had completed the bowl to the point he desired, he showed various kinds of embellishments using various tools and fire.

There were few questions, because Trent’s presentation was so clearly given.

After a break we were treated to several interesting items from the Show & Tell table.

Program Director Gene Perryman has proposed a challenge for the General Meeting on November 20. Gene will have 3 sealed boxes at the next meeting, each holding one piece of wood: one will be easy to turn, one will take more thought, and one will be “a piece of junk”. Three members in attendance that day will be given the opportunity to accept the challenge. The exact method for determining who gets which box will be revealed at the meeting, so be sure to be there!

The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marge Hunt, Secretary